How we got here
It’s been a while. Too long, really.
The North West is a hotbed for cyclocross. We have enjoyed huge attendance numbers for years, along with the other UK Regions, but somehow these have just been that bit larger for that bit longer. The growth of participation numbers in our sport has been something to celebrate, as well as a bit of a headache for event organisers.
But despite being the intention of the North West Cyclocross Association to put on a national level event like this, it never seems to have come together. Until now.
I rode the last National Trophy event in the North West. It was in Astley Park, Chorley in October 2005 (see photo).

A good day out and at 30 mins from my house it was virtually in my back yard. I was so chilled about the relative proximity that I forgot my shoes. Sped back home at speeds I dare not care to mention on the M65, got shoes, then belted back to sign-on, begged a few people, rushed to start line, and set off from the back of the grid. But it was still ace.
The National Trophy has moved on a bit since then. So have I. I wasn’t even a Veteran in 2005.